Services: Contract Scope Review

A solid contract is the foundation of a good project.

Have you ever thought you had a great contract, only to find there were loopholes and your team had to work many hours for free? What did that do to your profitability? To team morale? To your retention rate?

1. Review your processes and templates.
2. Make recommendations
3. Establish process so that new processes and templates are in place.

So you and your team can feel confident about your contracts and the Delivery Team’s ability to execute the project. Consultants want to do their best work, a solid contract gives them that starting point.

1. Review existing contract templates and make recommendations for updates (scope section only).
2. Review current procedures for contract scope review and make recommendations.
3. Co-review contracts with appropriate team members, to impart knowledge so they can review contracts and make edits to eliminate concerns, issues and loopholes.

1. Solid foundation of scope and project for the team and client.
2. Stronger processes, best practices and templates for future contracts.

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